total: $0.00

New York COVID-19 Tolls: What You Need To Know — 2 New York Professional Practice Credits

Due to COVID-19, the Governor of New York issued many Executive Orders tolling statutes and the Chief Administrative Judge of the Courts issued numerous Administrative Orders relating to New York Practice. These have created confusion and uncertainty among practitioners.

In this important June 6, 2022, 1.6-hour (100-minute) program, Patrick M. Connors, Esquire, widely recognized as the leading expert on New York Practice and Procedure, provides valuable guidance and clarity to this confusing area of practice. By discussing relevant CPLR provisions and cases and through helpful hypos, he gives a useful and practical explanation of how the tolling Orders apply to New York Practice and Procedure.

Mr. Connors is the Albert and Angela Farone Distinguished Professor In New York Civil Practice at Albany Law School and since 2013 is the author of Siegel & Connors, New York Practice (6th ed. 2018).

Major topics include:
Why still important; applications
- CPLR 201
- executive orders
- Brash v. Richards; other cases
- diversity actions in federal courts in New York
- helpful hypos
- useful answers to submitted questions
Causes of action accruing outside of New York
- CPLR 202
- Cavalry SPVI, LLC v. King
CPLR 5513: Time to take appeal, cross-appeal or move for permission to appeal
CPLR 5514: Extension of time to take appeal or move for permission to appeal
CPLR 7503: Application to compel or stay arbitration; stay of action; notice of intention to arbitrate
CPLR 7510: Confirmation of award
CPLR 2004: Extensions of time generally
CPLR 306-b: Service of the summons and complaint, summons with notice, third-party summons and complaint, or petition with a notice of petition or order to show cause
CPLR 3212(a): Time; kind of action
CPLR 3211: Motion to dismiss
CPLR 5003-a: Prompt payment following settlement

FORMS FOR LAWYERS: For fully-editable immediately downloadable forms in many practice areas, please go to www.NLFforms.com.

BOOKS FOR LAWYERS: Over 125 useful books on important legal issues facing attorneys are now available for immediate download at www.NLFforms.com. (Reading books without also listening to or viewing a recorded seminar earns NO CLE Credits.)

If you need credits in multiple states you MUST click here before placing your order for important information.

Price: $42.00
Course approved for these credits (and Expiration Dates When Applicable):
If you need credits in multiple states you MUST click here
before placing your order for important information.

NY - 2 Professional Practice Credits for "Experienced Attorneys" ONLY

TO SELF-APPLY for CLE credit in CA, CT, FL, NJ, or PA, click the corresponding link below. Should you have any questions or need information to self-apply in a state not listed, call 302/656-4757 or email mail@NLFcle.com.
CA (1.5 General Credits): https://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/forms/MCLE-Credit-Request-Form.pdf
CT (1.6 General Credits): https://jud.ct.gov/mcle/MCLE_FAQs.htm#Q6
FL (2 General Credits): https://www-media.floridabar.org/uploads/2017/11/CLE-Application-for-COURSE-ATTENDANCE-Credit-ADA-Fill-In-RE.pdf
NJ (2 General Credits): https://www.njcourts.gov/forms/11394_cle_atty_appl.pdf?c=wr4
PA (1.5 General Credits): https://www.pacle.org/assets/pdfs/CLE_course_app.pdf

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Call (302) 656-4757

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